Welcome another mammal to the site dedicated to pacifiers... for the big ones. And also freedom, trust and openness... and the path to it.
Sucking... our common primal reflex. Without it, we wouldn't survive. Sucking feeds, soothes, entertains, puts to sleep.
The pacifier is a good servant, it can be a bad master. At least that's what parents fear most. Their children's crooked teeth. They're often embarrassed of their pacifier babies in front of doctors or other parents. First they push it in, then they take it away.
When and how did you lose your pacifier? Did you no longer need it? Didn't want one? Congratulations. You could also have been a "disgrace", a "big boy", a "big girl". Did you hang it on a tree? Or was it suddenly broken, lost, missing?
And what if a teenager or an adult craves a pacifier? Is it weird? That's what I thought for a long time. Now I've got it different... THANK GOD!
Hopefully this site will help broaden the horizons of those who don't want or need a pacifier. I'm happy to share my passion and hobby with others here.
I also offer several new pacifiers for sale. Individual photos in the gallery are also available for purchase.
Feel free to email me. I would be grateful for your story, substantive criticism or other ideas. I will be equally grateful for your continued sharing of anything that makes sense on this site to you.